
5 ways to develop discipline

At Super-Advice we are about all things financial, but more importantly, helping people understand so they can get ahead financially.

In today’s blog post we share with you the one thing that you absolutely need to become financially free, discipline.

One of the key things that we want to teach you if you don’t feel you have it, that we want you to have and that you essentially must have to be successful in making some changes is discipline.

Without discipline, it’s hard to say no.

Without discipline, it’s hard to budget. Without discipline, it’s hard to make changes.

Anything in life worth having requires discomfort at the beginning and rewards at the end.

Start small

It’s important to set realistic goals and start with small changes in your routine. If you try to make too many changes at once, you’ll get overwhelmed and you’ll give up. Instead, start with a small change. An example could be waking up 15 minutes earlier each day, or practising a new habit for a short period of time, but starting small in the trick.

Create routines

Routines are freedom, man. Developing a routine can help you stay disciplined. Plan out your day in advance, make a schedule, stick to your schedule as closely as possible, and then eventually it will turn into a habit, and that is your routine. It’ll keep you on the straight and narrow.

Set very clear goals

Having clear goals can help you stay motivated and disciplined. Write down your goals. Make them specific, make them measurable. Make them also very important. Make them achievable. Make them relevant. Make them time-bound. So put a time around it like – I need this to start here and I need it to be finished here! So you’ve gotta get it done. This will give you a clear roadmap, like a budget, for you to follow and to help you stay on track.

Find an accountability partner

What’s that? You might ask. Well, having someone to hold you accountable can help you stay disciplined. Because if you don’t do it, you’re gonna get called out. Ask a friend or a family member who shares your goals and ask them to check in with you regularly.

You can join a group or an online community that shares your interests, but find an accountability partner.

Practice self-care

We talk about this a bit, practising self-care. Taking care of yourself can help you stay disciplined. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, that you are eating well, and that you’re exercising regularly, or just moving and trying to stay in shape.

Take breaks when you need them.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up. If you slip up, don’t throw it out and say, I give up. Just know that you slipped up. Wake up the next day. Get back into that routine.

Remember that developing discipline takes time and effort. Everyone falls off the wagon.

Just get back on.

All the best. Give it a go.

That’s a wrap

So what do you think? Has this helped?

If you need any financial help or advice please get in touch with us at Super-Advice.

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