
What makes a good Kiwisaver fund?

At Super-Advice we are about all things financial, but more importantly, helping people understand so they can get ahead financially. In today’s blog post, what makes a good KiwiSaver fund? There are a lot of choices out there, but here are some things you can look for. Fees One of the things you can take note of is fees. How...
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Where to get QUALITY KiwiSaver Advice

At Super-Advice we are about all things financial, but more importantly, helping people understand so they can get ahead financially. In today’s blog post, we share a few interesting facts about KiwiSaver providers and where you can find the best advice for you and your KiwiSaver. Providers don’t always give advice I think the important thing to note is most...
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When is a good time to review your Kiwi Saver?

At Super-Advice we are about all things financial, but more importantly, helping people understand so they can get ahead financially. In today’s blog post, we share why now is a good time to review your Kiwi Saver. h2>The time is now The beginning of the year is a perfect time to have a look at your Kiwi Saver and decide...
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Is KiwiSaver a SCAM?

At Super-Advice we are about all things financial, but more importantly, helping people understand so they can get ahead financially. In today’s blog post we debunk some myths and comments about KiwiSaver being a scam. Is KiwiSaver really a scam? We’ve talked about this before and the reason we are bringing it up again is very recently we did a...
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Reasons why KiwiSaver dropping can be a good thing

At Super-Advice we are about all things financial, but more importantly, helping people understand so they can get ahead financially. In today’s blog post we share with you reasons why a drop in your KiwiSaver can be a good thing. Your picking up cheaper units First of all, if you are noticing a drop in your Kiwi saver balance, it...
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Should I switch my KiwiSaver to a conservative fund

At Super-Advice we are about all things financial, but more importantly, helping people understand so they can get ahead financially. In today’s blog post we answer the question, should you switch your KiwiSaver to a conservative fund? My KiwiSaver balances shrinking. Should I switch into a conservative fund? Those that should think about switching to a conservative fund are people...
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Is KiwiSaver Safe?

At Super-Advice we are about all things financial, but more importantly, helping people understand so they can get ahead financially. In today’s blog post we are going to bust some myths and share some truths about KiwiSaver. Is Kiwi Saver actually safe? Our answer would definitely be yes. We’ve spoken to a lot of people who distrust KiwiSaver. The most...
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